Any lower analog stick or small controller is a piece of crap. I liked that Famicom RPG concept controller.
Any lower analog stick or small controller is a piece of crap. I liked that Famicom RPG concept controller.
Fucking Adult Swim (Canada) won’t show it yet, or Samurai Jack’s latest.
The Wii U is still alive and running LoZ BoTW in my home, even know Splatoon 2 got me to get a Switch. Also I can’t go crazy with explosive rounds in Watch_Dogs on a Switch yet, Rabbids don’t do it Ubi.
The demo for this was cute, but the game is always going to be as easy as random buttons.
Like Berlin and UK Tory HQ, Japan is a mecca of Paraphillia, so I am not shocked.
Man U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not as bad as people who just post comment responses barely exceeding 3 letters. Largely trying to flood out discussions.
It’s a competitive playground, grow up, suck it up, and take the shit talking. It isn’t toxic, if your secure in who you are. Insecure people find easy targets in even more insecure people. It’s the Black Adder theory of kicking downwards and it makes sense here.
Nothing as bad as reading Xenoblade X or Octopath’s font on a big screen from a 8 foot distance (size 12 feet) in an easy chair. They think we all press our head at a screen. Although unreadable Octopath’s font looks pretty. Fun game too, from the Demo.
Maybe it’s due to some places in Asian (and in Asian built homes…
Hah. Minecraft and Ubisoft’s ass kiss before it tells you that you won’t see any of their ACs and M Rated shit.
Disgea 5 Complete and I am Satsuna deserve more,
It’s only hard for non-Gorons.
Why does Bludo keep his painkillers in an abandoned mine?
It use to belong to them, until the beast went all wrong.
Nintendo is becoming like playing the art house. PB Winterbottom could be an Amiibo one day.
I regret not getting this System until the last days. I liked Luigis Mansion and Crystal Chronicles got tiresome fast. But it had enough good software. I regret the same with Animal Crossing, ACNL being the first I played.
Yet another example of the lack of female protagonists.
Questioning women on their “gamer claims” is wrong according to sites like this, so maybe that’s why no one caught her. They were too PC to ask questions.
Yeah for Wii little hands.
Yeah it was called Jolt Cola.
Is my erection too much?
No they stocked it, and decided under pressure of a few (played it too, love it) and tried to take it down. The pressure did equalize.
No different than the Berkley-Tumblr crowds out here. In the US, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton wanted ban violent games. Although unsuccesful thus far.