The Mental Midget Slayer

You forgot the small q you hate monger. I was pissed about this, god knows how many game relevant shit I could have enjoyed while Spawning back to had off to Grizz and spawning back to get my bonus from Grizz (Just realized he’s a Bear recently).
I am all for free speech, but who thinks some triggered wimps

How wrong, it’s based on abstract form of reality in mass pulp.
Case in point, in Vancouver alot of Japan is filmed in a Chinese Garden.

I sort of wonder why they didn’t put a cooling fan in the holder.

Conker had a funny ad, he’s a bed with a hooker in the bathroom. Laughed my ass off, never could find a copy. Like Ogre Battle.

I just like reading “Death of Stalin.”

Anyone else thougtht about Actraiser when they saw that image?

Adults don’t comment while playing? I liked it a little more in Master Mode, although find it mildly harder, especially since the Majora’s Mask hides from all monster’s realization unless they are minor, they see the reaction of a Keese or something, and Lynel or Hinox/Stalnox.
Well it buys you time with Lynel

Over rated,

Congress is really full of idiots who have nothing better to do than to pretend they need to be in Washington for the most flimsy reasons. Maybe it’s how they avoid jail (Can’t be arrested in session).

It may be wimsy vs War Propaganda and people who think the latter is more realistic and adult, unlike actually fighting in the desert, et al....

9 and 10 were Wii Ware originally.

That’s bullshit, although, in fairness, if I spent my Grizzo time on more Ketchuup rounds, but really who has Salmon Run open during Splatfest?, it may be better, then again Octos may have hacked it. We need a congressional probe.
Yeah the servers were messed up. As with Splatfest tradition.

Makes you think it isn’t even there, I thought the Grizzo wall was decoration, that’s when I saw it in that narrow alley way behind the 1 Player Story Mode Tube. This is why they should still have manuals.

Because of 8 it was brilliant. This one is French Canadian actually, but Edios may be why it’s weird and more like Final Fantasy Ex. Cid, Zack and Vincent were the only compelling characters, Maybe Red since I like dogs.
But it should have been named something else.
Weapon/Armor system sucked ass too.

Hate the lower analog.

This will happen when a console doesn’t come with a user manual.

Salmon Run doesn’t run online, not from what I have seen.

How long before they fix the right side, it’s analog is on the bottom for some reason. I do notice they kept a select button that you can’t press without pushing down on the analog stick in the right place.