What business is it of yours who other people do or don’t engage with?
What business is it of yours who other people do or don’t engage with?
What does this have to do with the kind of stuff AV Club is supposed to be covering? Have we just dropped all pretense at last and moved on to through-and-through “lolTrump” material?
Christ, people are seriously touchy about this show. How dare I have my own opinion about its quality this year, I must be “biased” and craving “dick jokes” cause I’m so stupid right?
Again, the manner in which I offered my opinion wouldn’t be an issue at all if it were a positive one. It’s bullshit kneejerk petulance because I criticised something you clearly hold in great reverence. Whilst, I might add, being completely oblivious to how simultaneously pretentious and patronising you sound with…
Their argument is “durr women are harassed more cause of their gender tho!” as though there are better or worse reasons for being harassed.
If someone quoted imdb figures, I haven’t seen it. Not that it would have any bearing on my personal opinion as to how funny the show is or isn’t being.
Even if you strongly disagree with my opinion, does it really make me a “bad person”?
I’m very much against harassment of gay people, for whatever that’s worth...?
Uh, what the fuck? I think the show is still funny but less so. I have absolutely no interest in the female writers and whether they stay or go. You just completely invented this misogynistic bullshit about me.
“Grr, I strongly disagree with this guy, so I’ll go right ahead and prove his point!”
What a stupid argument. Would you direct it at someone who places the show on a pedestal? Of course not. Those kinds of opinions are allowed and encouraged. Daring to say “it’s not as funny as it used to be” is a grave crime, however, worthy of abusing me.
I didn’t miss it, I just don’t agree that is somehow inherently worse than any other.
Wow. You truly believe this is something more special than it is, don’t you?
Higher percentages of men face harassment. And women worry about being killed when they receive mean comments? That sounds patronising.
I was wrong, it’s more
I’ve had tons of harassment simply for being a man. One of the most common places I received it was this very site, before the move to this awful new design and system. Nevertheless, I don’t think any reason is better or worse when it comes to someone being abused.
I’ve had that and been confronted in the flesh. Is it so surprising, given the fucking ridiculous response I’ve received so quickly here, for a completely harmless comment?
It says men are harassed more than women. The reasons why don’t mitigate anything, abuse is unacceptable to whoever for whatever.
Uh, simple enjoyment is EXACTLY what the show provides (when it’s actually being funny). There’s nothing condescending about stating the fact Ricky and Morty is a cartoon. What the hell else should I call it?
“That’s a significant difference”