
Replacing the save battery is actually pretty simple if you know how to solder.

It’s not a PS4, so at least you won’t see roaches in there.

Make sure to use star shaped sprinkles.

Do you want a cookie?

Add Twitter to that list. The service that was once a really useful tool for seeing flash info about what’s happening in the world is now a long stream of crap from one, two, three days ago. I can barely tell whether it’s too late to be outraged!

You are not. That is how it should be. Same with Instagram. I don’t care what the hell your algorithm thinks I want to see the most. Sure I can change the feed, but why do I have to do it every...damn...time. Give me the option to set my preferred default setting.

I like variety. Having a lot of friends should mean I get updates from all kinds of different people, sometimes from people I might not have thought of for a long time. Except that’s not how facebook works, it just assumes if I start to forget about someone they’re better off forgotten, and just shows me updates from

Well, truthfully, there are very few U-Boats wandering the North Atlantic these days.

Its like traveling to exotic locales but you learn and experience nothing.

If you think cruise ships offer the best food you’ll ever eat, I’m going to go ahead and not listen to any recommendations from you.

Not a wrap. The Avio editions were all painted in non-glossy paint. And above all, fuck anyone for screwing with someone elses car.

Someone keyed my Model S. One long scratch from the front all the way to the back.

Tires are usually cheaper, and easier to get fixed, and probably close to needing to be replaced.

I don’t know what you have on your car, or what paint color or wheel choice you made, but I doubt you’d appreciate it if a random assclown decided it was “played out” and you deserved to have your car damaged.

Tires are cheaper than paint...

That traffic light the truck blew through turns red and the overheight sign comes on when a vehicle too high is detected. That system was installed last year just for incidents like this, yet people still hit it. I think one of those water curtain stop signs like they have in front of some tunnel entrances in

I’d maybe go w/ the horrendous social damage of his War on Drugs as his greatest sin against society, but as long as we can both agree he’s bad, then I’m OK.

My favorite story about Young is his heart rate. All astronauts except young had really high heat rates during launch - I mean like 150's or so. His plugged along at 70. During the lunar decent Neil Armstrong’s was in the 190's. Young’s was around 90. The epitome of cool under stress.

I’ve been a nut about space travel and history since I saw Apollo 13. And John Young was my favorite astronaut. The guy did everything: First to fly Gemini and the Space Shuttle. Went to the moon twice, and walked on it once. An absolute legend.

That is true.

John Young-who would be the first person to fly the shuttle and was an advocate for the program-received word while on the lunar surface during Apollo 16 that Congress had approved the funds for the shuttle program.