I get it. You had me going for a good day there. Well played.
I get it. You had me going for a good day there. Well played.
Ok, I’m still not sure if you’re trolling. So again, congrats if you are.
This is the best comment I’ve ever read. As a member of an HOA board, I can confirm this is accurate.
If you’re trolling, then well played I guess. For some reason, I’m legitimately curious.
Why are you insisting on applying league average numbers to an above average quarterback?
The league as a whole is 20 percent better at running than passing inside the 5. That means if you had to call a play before picking offensive players out of a hat, you would be better off running.
Explain to me what I’m missing.
I did mess the math up. In my defense, I was furiously pecking this out on my phone and my kids were driving me crazy not getting ready to leave. I did to the power of 3 instead of 4.
I messed that up. 15/16 if it's 50 percent four times.
You are right that maybe running from the 1 is more successful relative to pass than from the 5. That’s fair.
I think that this is where we’re missing each other. Are there stats someplace that say that passing from the 1 is less likely to be successful than running from the 1?
So if they’d called a QB sneak or just “RB battering ram” on 1st down or 4th down and otherwise failed, the play calls would have been just fine?
You only have a point if the offense is so predictable that the defense isn’t respecting the run. Here, the defense is playing honestly. In the 3rd down play, watch the safety take two steps towards the line at the play action- he was taking himself out of position to try to stop a run.
On 2nd down, you are right that the OL isn’t driving off the ball, but it’s 7 defenders to the playside vs. 5 linemen and a lead blocker. If it were a run, the dude on the backside might have been blocked by Rodgers’ action (he did head straight for Rodgers), but even that is tough to say.
You’re almost certainly right that AB was better in practice. He’s famous for being a practice hero.
I’m sorry, but this story is way too results (vs. process) focused. If the defense were selling out to stop pass plays, that’s one thing, but formation-wise, they seemed to be playing this honestly. In the plays that had play action, it looked like the runner was going to be stuffed anyway. I don’t think that running…
Without the credible threat of the run, how much better than average is Lamar Jackson?
I’m the biggest Kaepernick fan in the world, but when the 49ers started talking about making him a pocket passer, he went from one of the top quarterbacks to average. Why do that to Jackson?
I don’t know if it was a mistake or not, but even if the ratio was 64:54, I think it should have been simplified (like a fraction).
I feel especially qualified to answer this question, because I drafted Lamar Jackson for my wife’s fantasy football team this year. So I have some experience.
One way to look at it is that football is really about getting a numerical advantage someplace. The best players will win one-on-one matchups, but no one ever…
I say this with some egg on my face (had the Steelers + 6.5 as one of my “two unit plays” on Twitter and this mess of a game kept me perfect), but the 49ers offense is good and Jimmy G is more than carrying his weight. He looked like a less-likely-to-rape version of Big Ben in the pocket, shrugging off sacks.