
I think your 3% number is incredibly optimistic.

Just a long single. He missed 2nd base.

I saw a few of your other posts, and I think that you might be confusing assault with battery. This is super-common, I think that probably half the police I have dealt with do the same thing.

That’s not really the point I was making. Slapping someone in the face is worse, and the slap is what most of us are reacting to. If you don’t believe me, expand all the comments, hit ctrl-f, and type in “slap”.

If he was throwing the plate of food “at” her, he has terrible aim, because he missed by about 4 feet from 2 feet away.

Absolutely was a troll. I know because as I was reading it I set a reminder to myself to write on next Monday.

I don’t think so for a couple reasons.

Am I the only one that noticed he sketched a dick on the notepad?

We stumbled upon another “hack”, although I guess this is questionable. If you buy a ticket ahead of time but don’t actually make it through the turnstiles (say you get held up at dinner), some theaters will allow you to trade those tickets in for other showings. If you have two passes and want to take a family of

No you wouldn’t have.

If you’re not trolling, then don’t say he opted out of his contract. That’s like saying you opted out of banging Megan Fox this weekend.

ok fuck you, now you’re obviously trolling.

I think they’ll hold up as well (or better) than anything else you have. My entire underwear collection is about 10 pairs of these guys, all between 2-5 years old, and they all look good as new. In the past, my underwear lasted maybe 12-18 months before it developed holes everyplace.

I think they’ll hold up as well (or better) than anything else you have. My entire underwear collection is about 10

I can vouch for this deal. Over the past 5 years or so, I’ve slowly migrated entirely into ExOfficio underwear, and it has changed my life.

I can vouch for this deal. Over the past 5 years or so, I’ve slowly migrated entirely into ExOfficio underwear, and

I’m enjoying these videos, but can we get a link that goes straight to the presenter instead of having 15 seconds of Magary screaming at the camera first?

I test drove the cla45 and then spent about a year thinking about ordering a gla45. Wife wanted an “suv” and that thing looked fun.

Why no Chevy SS?

I’m at about 22. Not an especially light foot, but I’m not exactly street racing either.