
More people can hit home runs, and I don’t think it’s all that close.

As far as dunking, let’s work backwards. I’m 6'1" with longish arms. I have a measuring tape out (thinking about getting an Indochino suit with your code), and it looks like my fingertips are about 18" from the top of my head. Let’s round that up

You could also stay 7 nights at $50/night.

You could also stay 7 nights at $50/night.

So who gets to decide when someone has made “enough” with a particular game? We’re talking about entertainment, not Rx meds. If they think that $60/pop x number of people that will buy at $60 is going to make more than $20/pop x number of people at $20, plus whatever residual goodwill or whatever they get from that,

The s is for sport

I know I’m preaching to the choir, but doesn’t this whole Flacco injury illustrate exactly why nearly every team should have signed Kap? Even if he wouldn’t have challenged for a starting job (which isn’t a given), you don’t think the Browns, Bengals and Ravens would rather play against Mallet if Flacco misses serious

I’ll bet all my internet points that you can’t link a single article that credits that BS (“he wanted $9M and a chance to start”) to Kaep or his agent.

Not only that, but he traveled. At least two steps on the floor then two more on the monster.

No one asked me, but I have one piece of advice that I think can greatly improve your satisfaction with buying a used car. Avoid Japanese. The perception is that they are bulletproof, and every half-assed car guy is going to recommend a Corolla/Camry/ES as a safe choice when you ask what used car to consider. The

Not my fault. I bought one.

Now playing

That was the premise of a “Boondocks” episode a decade ago:

Try adding to your cart and advancing to checkout.

Try adding to your cart and advancing to checkout.

I bought an SS a few months ago (dealer was offering an extra 5% on top of Chevy’s 20%). Best day of my life. My wife and kids like it too.

Works for me

Works for me

Did you guys see that the Nevada assembly just passed the Raiders’ stadium bill (by one vote)? What do you think about helping organize some sort of campaign against the assemblymen who voted for it? These elections are decided by a couple hundred votes, I think we could get a couple fired.

I think that this is the best thing for Kap. If the niners had bubble-wrapped him for the season (which they absolutely would have done) and cut him in the offseason, he would have been a year and a half removed from a shitty season with nothing on tape. Deadspin has linked at least one article quoting anonymous front

He’s promised to donate a million dollars to chartiy, and also will donate his share of jersey sales this season. His donation also inspired Jed York to donate a million of his own dollars.

I know that this argument has been had a million times, but