
This scumbag hide in Ecuador embassy for 4 years to avoid sexual assault charges from Sweden. Not some middle ages country that will have him shot or castrated. Meanwhile he created distraction from his own crime, aiding and abetting Putin to help the brotherhood of pussy grabber to take the White House.

He is going for the Chris Christie look.

She is Storm from X-Men cause she just drenched that unfunny loudspeaker.

They just want to be as comfy like us during the cold weather.

Julian Assange wannabe?

How is looking at horses dicks all day can be therapeutic for someone who is obsess of sending his own to young girls?

As per usual the horny bastard assume no responsible.

Should I start calling the father a clown for ‘letting’ her daughter accepting the weiner pic?

Here’s Giuliani’s summoning the dead.

That’s what many wealthy and powerful men have been getting away with, particular white men in America. The fact that what’s been committed to women by the likes of Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, Donald Trump all these decades only come to light says something about the society we live in. Merely allowing women to vote does

If their base already voting for Trump, why even bother with more lies? Not like they can vote more times because of the subsequent lies. And at this point if there are still undecided voters, the concern should be breathing, to stop the eventual brain-dead.

They don’t. It’s all self interest. Even if they withdraw at this point is not out of moral principle rather self preservation on their own reputation.

I think we are living in the bubble thinking that in the year 2016 all these decades old racism and sexism abated when women burn their bras in the 60's and Obama became POTUS. On the contrary we consistently see the GOP attack a black man presidency and continue to do so on a woman presidency. Trump just a symbol of

They can’t differentiate between politician and a con man. In this part of the world many politicians still have to work for the voters at least for the constituents of their home state. The sole purpose of a con man is to bleed you dry on empty promises he had no intention of delivering. In a real world, no one can

Who do you think the twat Milo Yiannopoulos bullying of Leslie Jones learn from? 

Tabloids reports on celebrities breaking up is like predicting someone is going to die.