
Well, he already was just one of those Christian by default types before, he just got weird about it when he got sober. So presumably he went through a traditional twelve step program since those typically have religion as a crutch built right into them. I'll never bemoan somebody for getting clean, especially a

He does subscribe to a very weird non-specific version of Christianity, and that's a relatively recent development, so I wouldn't exactly be shocked if his views have changed. Disappointed, but not shocked.

Goldust was effeminate and liked to play with his opponent's heads. Dustin Runnels is a hetero guy, who was very much in favor of everyone being treated equally. I say "was" because I don't know if his stance has changed. Haven't read, or heard, one way or another in a long time.

You don't think her story is as big a deal as she's making it seem, because someone tried to corner her in her own home and couldn't seem to take no for an answer? What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you not even read her story in full?

With all due respect, who gives a shit if you come off as mean? You don't have to be nice. He's in your personal space, making you feel really uncomfortable. It's more important you react in a way that doesn't escalate the situation into something scarier than worrying about his feelings.

It's insanity, and everything that is wrong with "Privilege Theory." To someone who spouts privilege theory, the whole world is instantly explainable by reflexing back to chattering about inter-sectional privilege and "Global White Supremacy." I am sure hearts are in the right place, but these privilege theorist don't

I'm tired of hearing "You should always tip because they don't make much money." How about they should always provide good service to get good tips? I know there will be customers who are assholes, but I had an experience last night where our waiter was awful (inattentive, passive-aggressive, screwed up an order,

Wow. Props to Shinta.

"I don't know who they are, but I KNEW they were going to come after you just by reading your first comment. I knew you were going to come under fire from the very beginning."

So much 'this' I think I might have to make a second account to say 'This ^' to it again. Money makes the decisions in all industries. Male privilege isn't something specific to gaming/nerd culture but since this is a gaming website I'll stick to the issue specific to 'us'. Since this is connected to a much wider

I'm starting to feel like these articles play out like this conversation:

Why do all of these articles address the entire Kotaku audience like it is nothing but sexist white males? By treating all other minorities, and the opposite gender like they are invisible here, you consistently piss off the one group you are singling out (white males) while making everyone else feel like they're

Seriously? If these comments were from men celebrating their finest acts of physical violence against their partners, people would be going batshit insane with outrage, and rightfully so. Just because women aren't as strong as men doesn't men they can't do some serious harm. Especially if the dudes aren't fighting