
You're a hero, and a good person.

No matter what you were wearing, she had no business calling you that. That would have had me raging like a drunken Hulk were I in your place. You are a very patient young lady.

To me, those aren't men.

t is plausible for there to be no footage of him even in the present day: Consider, 30 years ago, there weren't smart phones, or very much surveillance, even in crime-ridden areas. Plus, the equipment was expensive.

Let's add Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Vani Hari, and Vandana Shiva to that list.

Now playing

I'm going back to when I was a kid. The first time I ever saw this:

"Retard?" Wow. So, you're going to use a term that is derogatory towards those with mental handicaps to attempt to insult me? You're definitely at the bottom of the internet trash heap.

Awwww. Your internet tough guy act and totally original attempt to insult someone online is soooo keeeeyy-ute.

What of spontaneous abortions? Or miscarriages?

Make sure you avoid Hydronium Hydroxide at all costs.

Ever hear of guar gum? It doesn't melt.

Perhaps. I was thinking more of the Greek armors that were bronze. Of course, in the artist renderings, it does seem to be the embellishments were the colored parts. Still, the metal may have been shined to a mirror-like finish.

This is gonna get me hate for reminding everyone, but it must be done. This guy:

Speaking of stupid, this should help you out: Sarcasm. I'm fully aware of her height. I was going on what I had remembered Ms Portman saying about her having to serve (she was incorrect in her thinking, which I only recently discovered), so I was using her as an example of the fallacy of saying Gadot was a soldier so

You know, considering the ages of the armors in the museums, it is entirely possible that the colors were a lot brighter, and age has dulled them...

Not body snark. She comes across as looking like a line drawing, not "super" at all.

Compelling argument.

Why is Ms Nordin not our Wonder Woman? If she can act, she'd be perfect!

I take it you've not seen historical armor, or military uniforms, then? Take a gander: here and here.

Natalie Portman was a soldier. Would you buy her as Wonder Woman?