
Ever hear of guar gum? It doesn't melt.

Can tell you're not a fan, or knowledgable. S'okay, though. We don't have to like the same things, but don't you think it's a bit weird that you're on a thread about Superman, bashing Superman?

Did you read the whole thing, or did you cherry pick? Based on your very own source, I'd say no:

Oh, my god! I laughed so hard I cried, my ribs hurt, and I had an asthma attack. You win, just for this line:

By best friend relayed this tale to me, "When my ex and I were drunk, we decided it would be a great idea to do the deed, so to speak. Right in the middle, as she's scratching up my back, I say, "I love you," and she replies, "I love you, too," and proceeds to unleash anal armageddon.

Look, I used to get my ass kicked by my ex, to the point of being hospitalized multiple times, and put into a coma once, and I still never put my hands on her. There is never a justification for hitting someone you're in a relationship with. Ever.

I heard them, too but from my ex-girlfriend. Fortunately, I escaped from her after three years.

I hope like hell your aunt escaped, too.

Fairly decent of the Twins, but shitty of the court system.

Banning him for life would work. MLB banned Pete Rose for life, and all he did was bet on games. I think a lifetime ban for domestic violence would be a good start.

What kind of toxins? What are your sources for this claim?

Who the fuck are raising fucktards of this level? I wanna slap both his daddy, and him.

Except when the rubber breaks, as has been known to happen. What then?

Logically sound arguments backed by science (and supported by the courts) will forever trump religious superstitions and opportunistic politicians.

Awesome. Thanks for replying.

I type them into the section where it says, "Add Games you have," wait several minutes, and get "Type in a Search item," or "Item Not Found."

Addendum: Is there a reason certain games can't be put on the site as me having them? For example: I wanted to add Dead Space 2, Duke Nukem, & NBA 2K11, but they don't show up as me being allowed to do so.

Yes, that does clear a lot of things up. Thank you for sharing that.

I've been trying since Friday to get this site to work right, but no luck. I try to add a title that I have, it takes 20 minutes for the site to search, and then it says, "No results found." Um... Okay, let me add my game, maybe someone wants it. Nope. Not happening.

I try to check the FAQ's. It doesn't exist.

Share my Oreos? Are you daft?

I'm guessing our humor types are different. I found the clip hilarious without the studio audience's laughter.