

A Pokémon movie, rented from Blockbuster. We didn't have a player at the time so we borrowed one off someone. Unfortunately, the player kept glitching so I never finished it.

When we finally bought a DVD player, there was a manufacturer promotion going on where you can redeem five DVDs for free.

Enquiring minds need to know.

Job Bluth?

lol internet

I guess Sony isn't paying you enough.

I highly recommend Titanfall 2. Fantastic campaign, and the fact that the devs are continuing to add content, a lot of it free.

It's already your birthday here in Australia, so I've been celebrating for some 16 hours already.

Just finished the main campaign in Hitman, I really enjoyed it. Had trouble at first, but around Episode 3 I was getting the hang of it, relying less on resetting/saves.

There is one category The Leftovers was nominated for: Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series.
But the fact it got only one nom is bullshit, still.


I remember there was a Frisky Dingo clue sometime ago. Unfortunately, no one answered it.

A good thing about waiting is a higher chance of a getting a cheap, decent bundle, along with a wider selection of games to choose from.
Also put down a pre-order for the Mini SNES, the original was my very first gaming console so it holds a special place in my heart.

Will finally pick up a Switch for Splatoon 2 (thanks, tax return!). Loved the first game and really liking what I've seen of the second one so far.

From the (regrettably) little I've seen of SGDQ so far, I loved the Donkey Kong 64 run. Who knew walls were just a suggestion?

Do all articles now come with a free performance from Kendrick Lamar? Or have I finally gone insane?

Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight)