
Interesting. I'm in Australia and a local distributor did release a handful of MST3k DVD sets here. Apart from the packaging having the Australian classification ratings, it was exactly like the US releases. I guess only a handful were released because no-one bought them, the show's pretty much unknown here.

San Francisco International is also a favourite of mine.
"The answer, my friend, is blow it out your ass."

The only US-based carrier I've been on was Delta and I thought it was better than I initially expected. The international flight I took with them, LAX-SYD (and only because my original Virgin Australia flight was cancelled) was nothing special but the meals and amenities were fine, and they even put me in an emergency

Really? I've had nothing but pleasant experiences when I flew with Lufthansa some years back.

I remember the Air Crash Investigation episode on that Aeroflot flight with the kid behind the controls. Still can't believe it.

I flew a budget airline 787 last year from MEL to NRT. It was one of the best flying experiences I've ever had, not necessarily because of the cabin service but because of, as you say, the subtle but big differences the 787 introduced.

Same in Australia. The local distributor added more screenings after the inital run due to popular demand.

No, I'm not?

I remember my old Casio keyboard, its demo was a very cheesy rendition of Together Forever by Rick Astley.

That's a nice backpack. Almost half the price a local retailer is asking for, too.

Sym-Biontic Titan! Ended way too soon.

You could, but I'd certainly recommend watching the rest of the series first.

That's how the closed captioning spelt it.

This new comment system is terrible. Among other things, I can't see anyone's avatars.

Kia's pretty decent, they're mostly re-badged Hyundais nowadays.

A lot of well-known people I like died last year, but when I heard of Anton Yelchin's passing I just sobbed for a good few minutes. Like you said, what a loss of a young, talented actor.

Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs feels more alive than Los Santos or Liberty City.

As sometime both short on time and money, I'll be sitting here, envious at everyone with the Switch. I wonder how long until I see one being used in the wild?

Thank goodness they didn't put that pizza clue in the show, so that I don't have to hear about the inevitable Internet fallout in a GJI!

Isn't it also on the PC?