
Pokémon Sun, which is definitely the best Pokémon game I've ever played (and I'm only up to the second island). I love my pretty-boy Dartrix.

Or if you're in Europe, Pizza Hut.

I like it, but it looks better on smaller, mobile screens. I think AVC just needs to increase the font-size on desktop.

I thought about getting a mini NES, even though I grew up in the Super Nintendo era of gaming. But it sold out around here in minutes and next shipment is early next month. Oh well, what can ya do?

Great article, Gerardi. The S is what the original Xbox One should have been, unfortunately those in charge of Xbox at launch time felt differently and went all in on delivering an "all-in-one" experience while neglecting why so many game on Xbox in the first place. I suppose the new One will be there as an option for

Perhaps androids are more into beef?

Yeah, that's more the 70s.


Australian Gina is now my everything.

Yeah, there was a movie and everything.

More like PlayStation 2.

"Ah, garbanzo marinara pizzeria ristorante, aahhh!"

Damn these pan-and-scan releases.

I have been playing a lot of FH3 over the past few days and I love it, even though I'm nowhere near the best when it comes to racing games.

Are you serious?!

The A.V. Club

Haven't been to the Gold Coast in a decade, but the developers have done a decent job with the place. It's not truly accurate, but it does seem like a familiar version.

I think it is, that's how the closed captioning spells it.

Madman are good people. They released Over the Garden Wall on Blu-Ray so I snapped that up quickly.

You can do that yourself, right-click on the block and select "Block element". Of course, I can't guarantee if it will always work.