
Whovian is a well-known #HashtagHater

We can comment in the A.V. Club now? This won't end well.

She's on our $100 banknote.

I watched again!

It's also great when the studio audience gets points because some smartarse shouts out the answer when none of the panellists could.

Can I just play as Pac-Man?

Something something strained wrists.

That was the perfect series finale.
And I will admit I was so close to tearing up when Mabel had to leave Waddles behind.

I probably said this somewhere here before, but I remember hearing once that Cartoon Network creates two versions of their shows, the original one that airs in the US and an "international" version that has a milder dub and some edits for the more restrictive countries/regions.

Are you going to eat it?

I remember attending Martin Sahlin's panel at PAXAus late last year. He felt more comfortable on stage by then (although the smaller audience probably helped). You could see and feel that he has such a deep passion for the project and that he still cannot believe all the praise and attention that Unravel was getting.

I've played a bit of the trial of Unravel, and so far what I can say for sure is that it is quite possibly the most beautiful-looking game I've ever played.

Honestly, I'm kinda surprised this sort of website was only created recently.
At least we no longer have to rely on fuzzy 15-year-old screengrabs taken from the Seattle Fox affiliate.

He's had a bad day, please don't take a picture.

Meh. Call me when they release a green-band Red Room trailer.

Once, I bought a 360 theme with the leftover credit in my account. It looked nice and all, but it does feel like a waste of money either way.
With that said, I do like the Splatoon theme on my 3DS.

"Let us pray."
"To whom?!"

Australians are portrayed as comically backward.

Now you know the real reason why E! cancelled it.

The A.V. Club