
The second clip show.

The A.V. Club
Combining explicit sex with interminable scenes of people arguing and talking about themselves

At least B99 is a Universal Television production, so its only crime is just being on Fox.

I'll be disappointed if it doesn't show up in… three days, tops.

Wikipedia has articles on every US TV schedule, if that helps.

Yep. I'm going to see him at Melbourne but not until January 4. Can't wait.

I really enjoyed Catherine, even though I never actually got to beat it.

I sleep in a big bed with my wife.

The system goes on-line October 19th 2015. Human decisions are removed from comment spamming. Spambots begin to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 10:23 a.m. Eastern time, October 22nd. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

Can't we just get…

She thinks it's not kosher.

"Western medicine rules!"

This was definitely one of the most, if not the best, interviews ever published on the AV Club.

Don't you just love HDTV?

Oh hey, now I don't have to click on 'see more' to find my name, thanks Minority Report!

Is anyone else getting Scientology ads on this page?

Most of the movies on the account so far are the kind MST3k would make fun of.

I was too young when it originally aired, but it was still a very popular episode when I was in school thanks to repeats.

The Australians who tend to complain about everything are the ones who listen to talkback radio and write letters to the editor.