
Here we go again!

The Amazon suggestions over at the Review recap have set me up for life.

"Funny story: The script called for me to say "yes" but I gave it a little twist."

The A.V. Club
I can't watch this 'cause it's creepy and wrong and sick. However, I will watch out of curiosity.

Free one day delivery ≠ Top Gear

The twist here is it's the Australian ABC.

As always, I blame Shawn Edwards.

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr. Customs Man.

It's just me, but it's because it comes every commercial break, twice. I hate the background music, and everything about the ads really.

The American Trivago ads are less annoying than our Trivago ads.

FTL is fantastic, and I'm not just saying that because my name is in the credits. It will be hard due to the randomised nature of the gameplay but you will like it.

Check out your friendly neighbourhood torrent site, I have it on good authority it's all over the Internet now.

Lisa: This show is the biggest farce I ever saw!
Bart: What about the Emmys?
Lisa: I stand corrected.

The A.V. Club
I don't need to understand today's "edgy" TV sitcoms.

…I'll give them credit for that.

Only Connect is fantastic, but last season I ended up watching only the finals because of the strange and confusing tourney arrangements. At least we get some good jokes out of Victoria.

Less popular than Tajikistan?

The A.V. Club
Not college material

Remove the end bracket at the end of the links.