
I watch Better Call Saul on Tuesdays, damn timezones.

And they are still together, apparently. A local radio station is promoted some of their local gigs.

The A.V. Club
But you told us to… You convinced us it was good.

"Lisa, nobody likes a gloater, right, Homie?"
"Uh huh."

When the DVD finally got released here in Australia, it had the title "The Vidiot from UHF". After looking it up, it turned out it was originally released under that name here and a few other places because UHF broadcasting wasn't really a thing outside North America.


"The following is presented with limited commercial interruption by The Following."

My favourite one is 'A Group of Pill-Pushers' when it was 'A Group of Well-Wishers'.

Singapore has a $10,000 note, however their central bank have stopped producing it and has started withdrawing the notes from circulation.

I think I'll go with NBC's Apocalypse, Fridays at 8.

Treated myself to a purchase of Cities: Skyline, only to find that my laptop is having a hard time running it. Maybe it's time to save up for a new desktop PC.

They have the Internet on those now.

Use a dunderhead, you brush! And mixed those nut mix! Two touching almonds I see!

"I'm a 10th level vice president!"

That's it, I'm catching the next Pimpmobile out of here. But before I do, I've got one more thing to say:

Apparently, Disqus loves us.

"Fish in the sky! This was in Revelations. Kirk Cameron was right!"

"Canadian erection medication. Very potent…

Your age mountain
and sausage sausage