
@avclub-ff3315df974a82424353d399b7a68c07:disqus Sex Buffering

It's even on Hulu.

What's wrong with 911?

Umm… dental plan?

Just listen to my work's in-store radio and you'll get the idea.

"Only you can prevent crotch fires."

"Forgot about those cookies, sorry!"

My, my, my, my… apartment!

That's gold, @avclub-70bbc051341bb1f5c1fdb481a767c1cc:disqus . Gold!

Already played Fez for the Xbox 360, I highly recommend it. Interesting gameplay, fun graphics and great soundtrack.

Semi-related, but it appears someone wants to make a big deal out of Australia airing the banned episode.

Sometimes, I would put different songs through PaulStretch for curiosity's sake. Most of the time, they do end up sounding like the same space-y ambient sort of thing, but with their own subtle differences.

Reminds me of when I was in an Eastern European McDonald's circa 2002. Every second song playing in the background was Phil Collins' "Another Day in Paradise".

I would if someone invents a day that's longer than 24 hours.

(eats best Jimmy Dean© Breakfast Sausage™)

"Good teenagers, take off your clothes…"

Huh. Almost everyone I know who watched Iron Man 3 hated it.

Gee, I would post some good ones, but I lost my Firefox favourites two laptops ago.

Can't wait for the AV Club's take on this week's hot YTMND!

Future journals will be published in BuzzFeed.