I remember reading somewhere that the movie gave FedEx great awareness outside the US, and increased business as a result.
I remember reading somewhere that the movie gave FedEx great awareness outside the US, and increased business as a result.
I've read somewhere that half of Bieber's Twitter "followers" were fake, anyway.
You're so Two-Thousand-and-late?
I like to think Morgan Freeman was playing a daft version of himself.
Having seen both this and The Movie That Must Not Be Named, I agree that the latter was the better film, but I enjoyed Oblivion anyway. Still iffy with the ending, though.
I'm heterosexual, but I like Ray of Light. It was one of the first albums I had, because back in 1998 we bought a used car with a CD player in it, so my mum and I went to a record shop and just bought a bunch of albums that were popular at the time and what she liked.
I don't even need the Daily Mail to be outraged any more!
Baco Bell Tell
Constantly and thoroughly.
Not enough ads, we need to insert more!
The revolution must be televised!
…I smell a supercut!
"Lousy traumatic childhood!"
"Imma big boy today!"
Oh hey, that was the album I got for my 6th (or 7th?) birthday (was already a big Simpsons fan by then). I always thought the songs were pretty bad, and the voices were off in a very noticeable way. But I didn't care, I played that sucker on the CD player many times. I may still have the disc somewhere in the house…
#I #hashtag #every #word #I #type #on #Twitter #for #maximum #social #media #synergy
Are you serious?
My "friends" on Facebook love (re-)posting images of deformed children, asking me to "like" them as a way to "pray" to them.