
I remember reading somewhere that the movie gave FedEx great awareness outside the US, and increased business as a result.

I've read somewhere that half of Bieber's Twitter "followers" were fake, anyway.

You're so Two-Thousand-and-late?

I like to think Morgan Freeman was playing a daft version of himself.

Having seen both this and The Movie That Must Not Be Named, I agree that the latter was the better film, but I enjoyed Oblivion anyway. Still iffy with the ending, though.

I'm heterosexual, but I like Ray of Light. It was one of the first albums I had, because back in 1998 we bought a used car with a CD player in it, so my mum and I went to a record shop and just bought a bunch of albums that were popular at the time and what she liked.

I don't even need the Daily Mail to be outraged any more!

Baco Bell Tell

Constantly and thoroughly.

The revolution must be televised!

…I smell a supercut!

"Lousy traumatic childhood!"

"Imma big boy today!"


Oh hey, that was the album I got for my 6th (or 7th?) birthday (was already a big Simpsons fan by then). I always thought the songs were pretty bad, and the voices were off in a very noticeable way. But I didn't care, I played that sucker on the CD player many times. I may still have the disc somewhere in the house…

#I #hashtag #every #word #I #type #on #Twitter #for #maximum #social #media #synergy


Are you serious?

My "friends" on Facebook love (re-)posting images of deformed children, asking me to "like" them as a way to "pray" to them.