Uploaded 2011, woah.
Uploaded 2011, woah.
"Immortal characters"
@avclub-69514eb1d6291e21ec2df6f143c0e801:disqus … another?
"Good God, Lemon. Those jeans make you look like a Mexican sports reporter."
Oh! Got away from you, huh? Well, you keep at it!
Must… crush… capitalism… Grrr!
Reminds me of a MST3k joke:
I wish I can like this twice, the second time for the post formatting.
Mine's 4.43.
Better than United miles at least.
That's… not a bad idea actually.
The Maddox guy also did something similar: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
And now we return to 'Act-Twoo'. Gesundheit!
"It's okay, I've had my kids."
Yep, I now officially feel old.
It's been done.
If it's clear and yella, you got juice there fella!
Ringworm doesn't kill people, people do.
"Should an optometrist have a stethoscope? {dh}"