Young man, in this house, we use a little word called "please"!
Young man, in this house, we use a little word called "please"!
Young man, in this house, we use a little word called "please"!
Now a word from my god: our sponsor.
Now a word from my god: our sponsor.
Wait… this is two years old?!
The first time I watched this was on a TV channel, late night.
The first time I watched this was on a TV channel, late night.
*smash-cuts to black*
*smash-cuts to black*
For the record, I didn't mind Lost's ending.
For the record, I didn't mind Lost's ending.
Along with Santa Baby.
Along with Santa Baby.
Was this song big in the US? It was everywhere in Europe and Australia back then.
Was this song big in the US? It was everywhere in Europe and Australia back then.
Try a different Component.