You can't eat an orange and then throw the peel away… A MAN IS NOT A PIECE OF FRUIT.
You can't eat an orange and then throw the peel away… A MAN IS NOT A PIECE OF FRUIT.
At The Disco!
At The Disco!
Hello, whore.
Hello, whore.
Up Late with Wolfcastle doesn't roll off the tongue like Up Late with McBain
Up Late with Wolfcastle doesn't roll off the tongue like Up Late with McBain
10 minutes? Pfft, call me when there's a 7 hour version.
10 minutes? Pfft, call me when there's a 7 hour version.
Something something jelly beans.
Something something jelly beans.
You mean the Wigsphere.
You mean the Wigsphere.
We do?!
In my perfect world, The Simpsons ended at Season 10. Since its their last season, they were allowed to get away with some crazy episodes.
In my perfect world, The Simpsons ended at Season 10. Since its their last season, they were allowed to get away with some crazy episodes.
I see what you did there.