
When you’re the 800 lb gorilla, you can do what you want. That being said, I don’t know how they’ve avoided a 508-compliance lawsuit for this long.

Got a functioning liver and kidneys? Congratulations, you can fucking detox. Anything else is snake oil.

Someone was clearly sleeping through the movie only to wake and exclaim, “Space horseys!!!”

You gotta just love people who victim blame. Must make them feel better about themselves. At least, I hope it does.

Trump is like a six-year-old child that’s heard what the adults in the room have said and then tries to mimic them. He has no context, no deeper understanding, no education, and no patience. He just lashes out and to hell with the consequences.

I hope they get hazard pay or extra vacation. That job would just be soul-crushing.

That explains...a lot.

There are no UFOs. We have a president who is constitutionally incapable of keeping his mouth shut. If there were UFOs, Trump would have tweeted about it within the first 30 days of taking office.

Does that magically fix websites that fail 508 compliance and don’t work with screen readers, help the color blind, or assist people that can’t use a mouse to navigate a website? No. No it does not. You can wring your hands about labels all you want, but at the end of the day, things need to change.

In uncertain times, it’s always nice to see Ken Buck continuing to embarrass Colorado. Sadly, his constituents are poorly educated, cousin-fucking morons that cheer on his stupid behavior.

Frankly, I like the idea of someone with smarts and tenacity being President, but if you want the same old my guest.

Congrats on understanding nothing about her or her policies. After doing extensive research on her, her background, and her ideas, she has my vote.

It’s not just FF, I’m getting it in Chrome.

I prefer “’Sup, bitches?!”

But that’s just me.

We also learned that Impeachment (or the threat of it) does nothing to curtail tantrums.

More than likely, the cost offset will come from a combination of tax credits and subsidies. Coupled with tax penalties on companies that are high polluters. At least, that would mesh with her previous plans. Warren usually has the gory details posted up on her site for folks to pick through (which is one of the

“Stop Buying Everything on Amazon” says website that posts links to Amazon on a daily basis.

As long as you Checkout with a browser on Smile, you can shop and add-to-cart with app.

Hanlon’s Razor:

I do this, but my method is get a mouthful of water, bend over, then swallow. Works like a charm.