
If I were a journalist, I know I'd be pissed if Hollywood depicted me as Robert Redford in rumpled clothes.

Fun fact: Jeffrey Hunter lost out on the Mike Brady role because he was too handsome to play an architect. So we know that even the most lowest-common-denominator TV producers are unwilling to sexify architects above the Robert Reed level.

"Once I have vanquished you, I'll go back and set up… this key! And this gun!"
"Right, only there's one thing you didn't think of! Only the winners can go back and set things up!" "And that's gonna be us!"

It's kind of a terrible movie (The Zodiac Killer, not The Town That Dreaded Sundown). It's more interesting for the circumstances of its creation, specifically how the filmmakers believed it might bait the killer into making a mistake that would lead to his capture. When it played in San Francisco they required

To clarify, the Chinese outfit is backing the film's U.S. distributor. There's almost no chance it gets a theatrical release in China itself.

It was picked up by Tim League's as-yet-unnamed new company, with backing from some mysterious Chinese outfit. League already had a company (Drafthouse Films) but I guess he's not there anymore, which might explain why their distribution slate shrunk so much this year (and why the Shaw Brothers distribution deal they

Part of the reason that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure—about a clan of good guys with superpowers who fight bad guys with superpowers—isn’t being Last Airbender-ed is that Warner Bros. is co-producing the action-fantasy film with Toho, the Japanese studio behind 28 Godzilla movies.

The only final consonant allowed in Japanese is -n (though this occasionally comes out as -m depending on the context). Even that only came about under influence from Chinese; the best evidence is that Japanese previously had no final consonants at all, and to this day nearly all the exceptions are borrowings from

The image-enhancing scene ("YELLOW. BLOCK.") and the way the penultimate scene leads into that ending kill me every time:

The line that separates electronic dance music from just plain electronic music is and will forever be a mystery to me, but I'd say the Party Til You Puke EP was as EDM as whatever this is.

Unfortunately, "Would you like to have some of my… sex? With me?" doesn't work so well in the real world.

Bob Costas was the commencement speaker when I graduated from college. He had dinner the night before with some of the big muckymucks from various student organizations, and while I wasn't there (being a terrible student and all), he was apparently bombarded with questions about that episode.

If they'd re-tooled (wordplay!) the thing to just be a half hour of Tool Time, I'm not sure it necessarily would have worked, but I would have liked it a lot more.

Even Korean films were not shot overseas, so for Choi and Shin to travel abroad it was for festivals; I can find no examples of either acting or directing in foreign film.

His final film, believe it or not, was 1995’s 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up.

I'm seein' double here! Four Baronies of Mejis!

Anecdotally speaking, this seems to be the prevailing opinion within the South Korean film scene (though maybe not South Korea generally). But until A Kim Jong-il Production came along, virtually no English-language sources even hinted at the existence of a controversy. I found out there was one when I picked up the Ko

It was a cheaper competitor to Dolby that was also compatible with it, so Ultra Stereo processors could be used with Dolby soundtracks (and vice-versa). Some films were mixed in Ultra Stereo, mostly indies and films from B-studios like Cannon. They're still around but call themselves "USL" now.