
Uhhh, I can feed my whole family (3 kids and 2 adults) for 10-15 bucks... It’s definitely money, and far from pocket change.... Given that there are so many free games given away on pc (ive gotten thousands of dollars of free games from epic with zero monthly fees) sony is really penny pinching... I really don't see

The thing is, all this does is push the bad down deep... we should make these public faces have 1 on 1 televised interviews asking specifics on what made them say it, why they feel that way, and what they can do to fix it... like a public shame/intervention and allow them to keep their job if their answers are

To be fair, 90% of politicians are fake and gross just like internet sell out streamers... they are both doing the same thing, trying to convince people their opinions are the best ones 

Replace the word video games with sports and you realize it’s the same thing... 

Really? Have you never travelled across a boarder.. you have to pay taxes and duties when importing something, and on 250 cpus, that’s a whole lot of taxes and duties, thus smugglers

Most places like value village dont let employees buy items that haven't been available to customers for at least a week to prevent this exact issue... Ive pretty much given up on bargain hunting at places like goodwill and the likes because they all think that everything is worth the absolute highest prices now...

They coudlent even get proper physics working... Get in a crash in this game and it looks ridiculous

As a man with a high end pc, it is not... Not even close... 

The thing is, this game was about as deep as a far cry game, and those get pumped out every 2nd year.. This game tool wayyyy to long for what it turned out to be

Third movie... Ed tv

I thougth the same.. Looks like a pretty obvious spot where someone was lickly to pop out... Although possible cheat, its reallu a 50/50 shot

I thought this was a story of how she accidentally glued her eyes shut trying to attach fake eye lashes or something and decided to paint fake eyes on her eyelids

Well if the ps4 batteries are anything like the ps3 ones, they can last a heck of a long time... my launch ps3 controller just stopped taking a charge, and I got that in 2006... but to be honest, I have 3 other controllers I got around the same time and am not looking forward to disassembling all of them in a few

Dock? Ain’t no one got time for that... if my PlayStation controllers run out of juice (which to be honest is verY rarely during gameplay) I just use a 20 foot USB cable and plug it in while I’m playing ( I’m older and am not bothered by cables) now on the other hand though, when the internal battery does go bad ( my

I sold my wii u to help pay for my PlayStation 4 , and now finnaly 8 years later i found one at my local value village for 30 canadian pesos (the black version) in perfect condition.. Although it had mario kart 8 included , im looking forward to hacking it and catching up on all my missed nintendo gems

You were not playing it right.. All of the bosses have weakneses, and you can counter/dodge all their attacks if you can telegraph them... Sure there are ways to cheese alot of bosses, but thats not the ideal or intended route... I remember i cheesed my way through the first dark souls, but by the time i played 2,3,

My switch will not boot up if it’s fully dead (my kid is terrible at plugging stuff in) and it will have to sit there for 10-15 min before it’ll actually boot up even if plugged in... 

Psp batteries were li-po... and yes, they were all terrible. But my 3 Dslites are perfect, and my GBA sp still Takes a good charge although I leave it dead for months 

Yeah, because this is totally the same kind of thing as a staple product like food and toiletries , hurp a durp. These are fancy luxury devices that NO ONE ACTUALLY NEEDS. get a clue

Its halarious the uproar people give when they cant buy their own flashy doo dad because capitalism is working against them, and they cry and cry until they can get there “thing a ma jig” and they move on living in blissful ignorance until the next time they cant get exactly what they want when they want it, then