that doesnt seem to make sense...i mean the battery is super easy to swap out in the system... not even soldered on or anything.. i guessing that there was something else wrong with the unit if they are having to worry about memory transfers...
that doesnt seem to make sense...i mean the battery is super easy to swap out in the system... not even soldered on or anything.. i guessing that there was something else wrong with the unit if they are having to worry about memory transfers...
i would love to let my lawn grow, the amount of amazing noises that come from a lawn thats diverse and more than 6inches lomg has some serouise ecolgical advantages (or disadvantages of you dont like bugs and small animals...) but as a renter, and a person who lives beside people who belive that a long lawn s like the…
wow, if your going to try and make fun of an aplle product, you may want to make sure you know what ypur talking about
you kidding... ps1 was how i first learned the words “hardware failure” . i saved a skirimmped to buy it as a 11 year old. thing lasted until i got ff7 later that year... the laser failed and i had to keep it on its side to play games... still loved and played it when it would decide to work
dont masterbate... after a couple weeks without release, you will wake up with big old clams in your shorts
i recent’y started making sure my wife has an orgasm before me, and since them, she is in the mood a lot more... if i can give 2 peices of advice, always let the girl cum first, it turns her vagina into a vice grip, and neverc ask for a quckie... the biggest turn off for a lady is to be unsatisfiningly boned for 2…
your business is about to sky rocket.. your going to have to raise rices since so many new people are heraing about this
i think its even more hilariouse that i can pay a women to have sex with me and if i record it with a camera, and get her to sign a waiver, its legal, but as soon as i want it to be private, its illegal.. what a fucking world. no longer can a woman make some bad decisiobs, and move on.. if she wants to be paid to have…
if you feel like a pervert, your clicking for the wrong reasons
well i swallow everythijg,so i will let you know if i have any adverse side effect... but as of right now, all i get is a long rush of eupohria, then a quick hour nap
so thats how carphentenol is made.. concentrated pussy juice dried to a powder and injected in the veins
i love me some discharge.. get all up in there licking it up like a sweet sweet nectar... omnomnom... your a little baby ... grow up and acpet that women are animals too.. they grow hair, and have natuaral discarges like any bodily oraphis .. does your mouth water? does your nose run??? ever SHART ???
and all those little snowflakes get grossed out y natural discharge are hypocrites... i would saftly bet that all those people who get grossed out by this, are the same people who would gladly brag to freinds that they got a women “wet as hell” or something like that... they are ok with discharge, as long as they are…
your a disgrace.. these things need to be known by women.. just bevcause you get grossed out by natural bodily fuctions doesnt mean that others dont need it... i can say with almost 100 percent certainty that if this article was about getting a women WET (AKA turned on) then you would have had ZERO isues wwith it..…
id trust ben heck with anything... he knows what hes doning
a hack can involve physical components... hacks are not software exclusive
yeah, i got that feeling too.. like all the breathable air is already in the suit, and if it leaks, no more air
i have a 2 and a half year old, im a stay at home dad and i love it .. its just plain shaping a little dude, and as long as your with a good match, your relatioship will be fine, and in my case, even stronger
resting is the most imporant part