well considering when i bought the game in 1996 when it came out, in the official manual included the name was aeris, YOUR WRONG!!!!!
well considering when i bought the game in 1996 when it came out, in the official manual included the name was aeris, YOUR WRONG!!!!!
rock paper scissors only has one rule, you have to both go at the excact same time.... this robot is breaking the one and only rule, even if it is by a millisecond. its the whole reason you have the 3 fist pump intro
I dont want to be that guy, but i just looked up effies moves, and here past work, and i have heard of NONE of them... although black people have had a tough ride, and i certainly wouldent have cut her off. Having more black people on your cast/crew does not make a movie diverse, and if the character is a black…
Yes sir... i couldent even bring myself to finish the letter due to this fact... its really sad that he coming up with excuses.. if you know it bad, and you continue to do it, there is something wrong
its starcraft... it ran it fine on my 2010 macbook.. your budget is a little high
I do love to have an assortment of games, but i guess im just a physical media man, i really dont see the point in having a HUGE steam library of games that you are never going to play, and i feel the value of the physicsal copy to FAR outweigh the value of a licencse of a game (digital).. ive seen to many companies…
I mean the game looks pretty fun, but the people playing it don’t sound like they are having much fun at all... i mean, at least sound like your having a little joy....
Honestly, my ps4 purchase is going great. . Spent 400 dollars almost 2 years ago, and got an amazing piece of hardware that looks spectacular on my 60 inch screen. I know it could be better for a huge price increase... I guess I’m just practical. This is coming from someone who is still impressed by what my ps3 has to…
And it’s not even a real game.... pre-installed on the already limited memory
I bought and sold my wii u, wasn’t a bad system. Wireless play was awesome (puts my ps4 remote play to shame) but a 32 gig system for 300 dollars is still too much, especially when it’s been out for 3 years. I don’t care that they are bundling a game and dlc. Still not a good enough price. You can defend your purchase…
Yeah, they either need to reveal the nx (may be different market then wii u), or drop the price of the console. Nintendo has already gave hints that the thing is at the end of its life cycle, and their still trying to get 299.99 out of the things
As someone who bought and sold the original 3ds (too small) 3ds xl ( 3d wouldn’t stay in focus) I recently got a new 3ds xl for $125 at my local hock shop, I can safely say that I am keeping this one forever. . The improved 3d and better screen makes a hell of a difference, although the extra buttons don’t really make…
I rarely think cosplay is awesome, or even good. .. but holy hot Damn that’s a fine example of a stupidly stunning game character being even hotter in real life
Well considering you are a musician, you probably should get some, you know, instruments. ..but I think goat raising is a far more lucrative job ;)
Make yourown samples......
Your crazy if you think Nintendo will release an emulator for mobile, that would instantly undercut there other games. I’m actually worried that Nintendo will take legal action against the emulators currently for sale on the market, now that they will be in direct competition with them.. and don’t get me started on…
considering he was a diagnosed alcoholic before he started drinking that night, i really don’t think it was any shittier than what he had did to himself and his liver the night before. i guess we all have efferent opinions
I once blew about 20 shotguns (weed ones) in my older brothers face while he was sleeping ( he was not into weed at all, and was drinking heavily the night before) and he woke up so high, and freeking out. This story rieminded me of that. not that any of this is ok, it just brought back a funny memory
Here’s a fun game. .. listen to the first 2-3 seconds of any ink spots songs and see if you can name it.... you can’t! !!! They all start with the exact same guitar riff