there are an obscene amount of crazy things like this on nes.. its all about being able to beat the game without getting frustrated to the point of smashing things, if you can do that, then you may have a chance of finding something like this
there are an obscene amount of crazy things like this on nes.. its all about being able to beat the game without getting frustrated to the point of smashing things, if you can do that, then you may have a chance of finding something like this
I guess I'm oblivious, but what is racist about it??? are you talking about the elephant race?? please explain
AAAAAAAAnd my data pack is gone!!!!
Im fairly sure its the latter, unless the have a serious mental illness. kids are very good at believing the own lies and excuses...
for a nintendo device, i always recommend physical copies… they hold there value really well, and they aren't tied to system
they already have a zelda wind waker bundle
Although i sure she was actually stuck… did they really need 4 or 5 workers, in full gear to get her out?…. i mean really, 2 people would have been more than enough
The girl at 5:50….. holly shit, hoe does someone not know how a fridge or sink works… jesus….
I can't be the only one who finds the teens more embarrassing and annoying to watch then the videos… I'm 30, so i was there when the internet was just hatching, and although these videos a slightly cheesy( all educational ones were) i simply HATED their cocky reactions… .
i think its the latter… i work in electrons at the red store, and last week i opened up our street dated boxes and found a whole whack of these… was really confused on why we had so many, and why i had never heard of it…. and i sell video games
I usually don't care for multi player in games, and I'm very glad they decided to put focus on the single player campaign, but i m kinda sad hat i can't at least try out some MP online, because man are the controls just so TIGHT and responsive.. Its really the first time I've noticed the improvement between my dual…
you clearly dont have ps plus, cause they give alot if aaa games as well as sweet indies
you don't need to treat you body like a temple to learn how to kick someone properly… someone is full of himself, or just so dense to think that men are that much stronger than women
Nearly 10 billion people on this planet and we can't leave a little island for the endangered birds…. get some fucking compassion towards animals… WE HAVE WON THIS PLANET!!!! please allow some people to be kind to the enviroment and have compassion toward animals and their inhabitance…. Your a "Taker" aren't you. LEt…
Wiiu is backward compatible, so your comment is not valid, its a brand new system that plays new and older game's, of which almost all are available retail (wii include
I don't know if your Xbox is stealing your bandwith because its too close… i can easily download at a meg a second, and i usually have ike 6 or 7 thing shooked up to my wireless network at the same time.. try moving the systems further apart
its fairly easy to transfer and take the servers into nintendo server bank (wiiu and ads are on them now) and with a simple update you could easily give the on line services another year or so (or more) …. considering there are a whole slew of people who skipped out on the wii, and got a wii u because of the backwards…
you don't like to drink??? :)
i only directly connect (now that I've figured it out) and I'm never more tan 10 feet away from my console, and I'm still experiencing lag issues.. from what I've gathered, its most likely wireless interference from living in a populated area
i really don't understand what you mean , i managed to kook it up directly from ps4 to vita, and I'm still experiencing issues, i dont know what else i can learn to improve my experience… from what I've gathered from comments its most likely interference(i live in a fairly populated area)which is causing me issues, it…