
we'll the ps4 and xbox one units were probably all sold out when the wii u had the sales increase.. not to call you silly, but i work in retail (target), i had HUNDREDS of people asking for a ps4 and xbox one, and we had none to sell them, so i would bring them to the wii u section… a few would bite, but most would

i think ubisoft is pretty shallow, but man are you missing out on some sweet action… far cry 3 is epic, and AC4 has been a fun ride. don't get me started on Rayman… so sweet

This is amazing

Theres ALOT more to business than just the cost to buy these parts… most of the quotes are at PART and assembly prices, not including Shipping, insurance, and ALL of the other things to consider… (like repair, and failure replacements) Look att the big picture

ill just write you off as stupid….

you silly! 99 dollars for a new system… you would make a company fail so fast… you know a successful company is run with more than just pofit, and sales numbers… nintendo would NEVER sell there new systems for that cheep, it would devalue the company even more

I have an excellent sense of humour, i just don't find this very funny. less to do with society being jaded, and more to do with the individual being stupid

This s not very funny, very dangerous, and even more annoying to all the passengers… not impressed.

your silly bro, there are shortages EVERYWHERE!!! i work at tart, and we got 40 on relase day, and none since... any we do get will be sold within minutes

his butt is more in hos own face..."excuse me while i eat my own poo"

on another note... how awesome is hotline miami... .picked it up free from ps plus, and as blown away by the tight contolls and old school feel

If i went to the store, and they had that box on display, i would buy it for sure... im a sucker for wood boxes.

what is that Gif from?? is amazingly scary, i want to know :)

this is the internet, be specific when your being sarcastic.... think can be easily misinterperated with only text to read

your silly, the ears say it all, they are all the same person.... most cameras have auto white balance, so skin tone can vary greatly from picture to picture, and as far as the hair... they did just get HEAD sugury, so the hair most likely will loook a little different

my comment was more about the context of the article, and i was also responding to the previous comment. but yes, i grew up in the outskitrs of sudbury, and know just how shitty insects can be when not dressed properly. My comment was more about the censorship of nudity, and how ceratin people think its offensive

and they poop silk, how could you go wrong

OH sweet jesus.... I am an ASS MAN !!!!!

I dont get it, are you telling me i know nothing ?

I really want to like this game, but with how un-funny southpark has been this season ( i mean really, a whole show about eric farts being eaten) it hoghly doubt that it will hit the same marks as the show did throughout its hilarios early seasons... i mean anything after season 4 and before season 15 is just some of