
It's either a very bad fake, or they had to sponge the remains of this guy off the wall.

The Robot Uprising has to start somewhere... This may be that day.

Whats with that weird stare and head movement... I was half-expecting her to start eating the dog.

@Trickyhop: I am TOTALLY with you on that... she looked like a frakking cylon or something.

"It is known that there is an infinite number of worlds, but that not every one is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so if every planet in the Universe has a populations of zero then the entire

@Malux: Oh NASA and your wacky hijinks!


No jumps or loops?! Lame sauce.

God Bless America.

<——- does NOT approve.

How does "Gizmodo Comment" rank in this system???

Now playing

Scientists: This is how cats drink... TO EXCESS.

@TheAlmightyBen: Relax everyone, the blasters were set to stun...

The fire code should prevent this much FREAKING AWESOME from being on one page at the same time.

Wow... that was precisely 0% as fun as I thought it was going to be.

God bless you Giz. I love you!