Phillip Anderson

I don’t think so. I remember when he came back and first started with his jokes about trans people. I chalked it up to just him being out of the loop for a while. He could’ve acknowledged being a little behind the times and moved on. Instead he went full troll and is making unoriginal transphobic jokes a cornerstone

Damn. Bowie’s death is the first celebrity death that really affected me. Even if he never made another album again, it sucks we no longer have him around to hear his opinions on art or him being excited about discovering some new band/artist he just saw or heard and how “you really have to check them out”. I thought

And once again, let’s not forget that it isn’t merely being a transphobic asshole that is so mind boggling. (Transphobic assholes are pretty common).

I don’t get the negative tone here. As legacy sequels go, this makes a lot more sense than, say, a new Top Gun. You’re reacting to a hypothetical bad film that exists in your head.

I do support whores.

Found Portnoys burner account.

Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but it’s mine.

I want to thank the person who posted last week about reshaping the window so that all of the slides show up on the same page.

42 Slides?! What is this a PowerPoint presentation from hell. 

Why is this a slideshow? Also, every one of these apps exist to basically advertise to you, and who knows what else depending on what you agree to when you install the app, so no thanks. On the rare occasion I eat fast food I can wait 5 minutes in line. 

Tabasco is basically a hot vinegar.

Fuck. Off.

I will simply bookmark and use that. I hate the new GMG design that is working its way through all the sites (this is essentially the Gizmodo design).

Great, now its time to update this bookmark to

...enduring nature of gendered expectations in entertainment...Mary Ann stood as a pig-tailed paragon of Americana, the prototype for the kind of wholesomeness that women were expected to chase...

I worked at a west coast theatre chain when I was 19, and I really didn’t care if people snuck in food as long as they actually tried to sneak it past me. If you have a tall can in the cup holder while I do my theatre checks I will definitely confiscate that, you’re terrible at being sneaky and you don’t deserve to

I don’t care how good these sides are - I am NOT going through a slideshow to see what they are.

no 20-pound turkey.

Please don’t start with the slideshow nonsense.

Found spanfeller’s account.