Phillip Anderson

I was already 20 when Ichiro joined MLB and I think I’d thought I was years past the part of my life where a professional athlete could ever be the kind of immortal, larger-than-life figure that, say, Michael Jordan or Lawrence Taylor or Martina Navratilova had seemed to be when I was a kid. But Ichiro was—and in lots

This would certainly explain why Game of Thronesspawned an entire cottage industry while it would be remarkable if you’ve ever heard a human person talk about You or Sex Education out loud, but who can say? Not me, because I don’t and can’t know if Netflix is telling the truth—and not Netflix, because their numbers

That’s how long it took to find a pack of Kent IIIs, he said

You remember that Sunday morning, two months after dad left, you wake up and notice mom’s hair is seriously mussed, and then you walk into the kitchen and dad is making eggs like the past eight weeks never happened . . .

And it has NO vinegar to adulterate the great pepper flavor!

And it has NO vinegar to adulterate the great pepper flavor!

I burn my face off with this, quite often. I love it! +1

I burn my face off with this, quite often. I love it! +1

You mean Pops adjusted his system to fit his players and found a way to get his less talented (but still talented) team efficient shots and play good basketball?

God, I hope Gase writes some fucked up Tweets and the Jets will have to start the search all over again in a couple of weeks....

Nothing better than a cold and custardy chocolate malt and a handful of Vicodin.

This evening, my friends and I wanted to really experience the feminist side of the internet so we went to Jezebel. There aren’t enough words to describe how awful it was.

Lots of smoke about Trump and young girls. Really the media has a duty to explore this avenue until we know just what the hell is going on with Trump and young girls.

The carpet should match the coach:

Dutch Ruppersberger, this is the definition of the type of guy that should be primaried out. I am not someone who calls for it on just anyone, especially if the risk is losing the seat to an R. but MD-2 is a rated D +11 district with only 55% White and 33% Black, and 61% White collar, It’s quite Gerrymandered in favor

Hoping they would get away with it implies that they won’t still get away with it. Without charges I’m thinking they’ll find a way to keep him around.

People are already saying shit like “well, it’s not like he “Ray Rice’d” her” and “it’s not that bad”. Because that’s pretty much the point the NFL is at right now. At least he didn’t do that. At least he didn’t brutally attack his pregnant girlfriend, or murder his girlfriend and then kill himself. Yeah, probably

And the Browns used their first-round pick on her.

1. Getting hit by a bus