Phillip Anderson

If this is what American post-boomer politicians look like, then sign me the hell up. Their mess can be cleaned up, but the sooner everyone gets started the better.

Can’t tell if troll or just dumb

There are Republicans who still think they’re what they were in the 80s and 90s. That would still be a completely amoral, cruel party, but they’re absolutely wrong, because they’ve really leaned into the amorality. Still, they like to think they’re still the same fun-loving people who gave us Iran-Contra and “Greed is

We are cynical. Grown-ups. Older people. Cynical. Bad.

“Don’t fuck it up, Randy!” yells a collaborator at one point

They probably liked the fact that RG3's knee isn’t even capable of bending.

That The State could be described as “overlooked” is baffling to me. It was a seminal part of my high school years. And if you look at the cast, they each went on to be pretty influential writers and performers in the indie comedy world.

You know, I can kinda see it.

Chris Cillizza is the Jack Haley of journalism.

A whole extra article WAS written, as linked in the story.

This Sandusky story just won’t die.

I love this show. It’s like the movie The Descent, is such an effective horror story because it’s scary as hell *before* the monster shows up.

I’m absolutely loving this series. After having read so much about this expedition, it’s incredible to watch it acted out on screen. Just terrific.

As someone who’s read more than is probably healthy about the Franklin expedition, I love the way the novel and script make the characters’ actions and dialogue seem entirely plausible. We of course have no idea if Crozier advised Franklin to head south and east in the fall of 1846, to seek shelter, but it’s entirely

So ... since ep 2 aired right after ep 1 and ep 3 airs tonight - will the reviews catch up or be a ep behind till the end?

This episode was on last week. Episode 3 was tonight

He definitely means violence, he just knows that if he comes out and says it he’ll lose sponsors.

You’re correct.

Marginalized persons will identify with the system that oppresses them to be above fellow victims of said system.