Phillip Anderson

Sunday’s episode of Vikings definitely wasn’t dull.

There is no Kinja community, only Zuul.

WKRP was probably the earliest example that I can remember of a smart workplace sitcom that really felt like it had an insider’s feel of its subject, but was also broad enough to be appreciated by a wider audience. There were so many little things packed into the corners of that show that probably flew over a lot of

Rebekahzula Mercer: I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you’ve had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you’re born with. The truth is: they don’t know which one of us is going to be sitting down on that throne,

You didn’t have to jump out the window so soon after the joke. You could’ve let it linger

The people of CA-12 do have an opportunity to choose someone better:

My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.

Fake video. You’d never see anyone associated with the Redskins tackle with that kind of effort.

I’ve done a fair amount of research work in prisons, and I’ve noticed that some prisons allow women to “dress up” (scarves, makeup, etc), and those women are invariably more emotionally healthy than women in other facilities I’ve visited. And I will say that no matter how horrific their crimes, I have never spoken to

Also, if you have time or money or even the ability to help raise someone’s profile, check out some of the candidates who are running for Congress next year. There are a lot of competitive races. See if your district is one of them, and if not, consider “adopting” a candidate. There are a lot of really cool people who

Once again, I realize that Trump is that loudmouth asshole at the bar that likes to start a conversation about political shit he THINKS he knows but you soon realize he doesn’t know a fucking thing, but after about 30 minutes of him rattling on you don’t have the energy to correct him - which would involve going back

I’ve actually learned to love his ‘heel’ turn this season. Sports needs this, and has always had this. Pressure from sponsors has silenced so much of it but it was always there. I also appreciate LeBron’s non-reaction reaction. If we are going to be forced to watch the same two teams in the finals every year, I prefer

Jameis Winston standing there by himself trying to look hard after none of his teammates made the slightest effort to hold him back—when it was damn clear to everyone that’s what he wanted—is a goddamned Christmas miracle.

What I and other people who are not Americans see:

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

Even shorter review:

Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.


Jonathan not recognizing the Siouxsie costume fucked with my head tremendously. I was thinking, “What the hell, dude? i thought you were into punk and post-punk music! how the hell do you not know about Siouxsie and the Banshees?? C’mon! Major fail, there.” Glad someone else was bugged by that.

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other