
“Cultural traits” is racist now?

Absolutely. Actually, I don’t really have any problem with “conservative” or “religious” Muslims (for example - don’t drink, don’t party, dress “modestly”, wearing a hijab). More power to them.

10:30 PM yesterday is “old?” Are you going to look for a job or are you planning on getting your masters? :-)

Did you graduate from college yet?

Yes, Saudi Arabia segregates Americans (and other non Saudis) into communities where they can live outside of Shariah rule. Imagine if the US did that to expat Muslims.

The thing about Saudi Arabia makes sense except that they may not be taking immigrants, or maybe they are and these people couldn’t come in.

Of course war is not solely the answer, combating fundamentalist thinking requires an unprecedented multilateral approach.

Above poster went to college. Highly educated. :-)

In the west, 1 of 2 are illegal. In Islamic culture (and of course I use that term for convenience because the headscarf is NOT Islamic, it is Arabic), 2 out of 2 can be illegal. And the punishment in the US wont involve any lashes. Furthermore, in the West we have many “safe” spaces where a woman can be nude in

Let’s wait for Islam to get to progress to that double standard and then we can start comparing the two.

The sad thing is that in many of these communities, it is the women who enforce patriarchal gender norms. Not always the men.

in new york we walk like this all the time to avoid “people”

People who find race to be relevant here are almost worse because they’re implying that black people cant swim as well as white people, which is utter nonsense.

Being happy for an African American person doing well in a sport in which they have not traditionally succeeded in or even had many opportunities in, is not “obsessive.” The only thing that seems to be obsessive here is your concern trolling.

Sounds like something that was intended to be a genuinely nice statement, and came out wrong. Seriously, why the friendly fire?

Sounds like something that was intended to be a genuinely nice statement, and came out wrong. Seriously, why the friendly fire?

> All of these need to be combated by Democrats as well as Republicans, and should be something the Left can get on board with and even take charge of hopefully.

I can’t pretend to be knowledgeable about either of thos.e uprisings. My feeling though is, when the stakes were high (either in the fight against communism or just self-interest and greed) the US supported funnelled money to some of the worst possible actors. These countries were never given a chance at a reasonable

They’re just wrong when they try to block mosques from being built, racially profile (yes I know Muslim is not a race) Muslims, accuse the President of being a Muslim, and basically hate anything tangentally Islamic. Its not even a “Republican” thing as much as its a reactionary right-wing thing.

If you go back to the 50s and 60s, you will find that life in Islamic countries, such as Afghanistan (I have family that lived there despite being “kafirs”) and Iran were actually decent, liberal places (especially considering it was still the 50s) where Islamist influence was subdued rather than culturally persuasive.