
Not bad at all. I feel the same way and I'm sure we're not the only ones.

Brannigan's law is like Brannigan's love: hard and fast.

I'm not saying we should stand and rally behind her. I'm saying we don't have to be so scathing about it.

People people. We can complain all we want here on Kotaku and on other various forums, but nothing will change until you vote with your WALLETS.

Things like that are too much for the American market, they'll never go for anything like that. Let's give Club Nintendo members Mario stickers instead. Everyone loves stickers...right?

Because absolutely none of us wanted to work at Nintendo/Sega in the 90's making video games.

Super Metroid. I'd like another 2D Metroid game. Other M wasn't bad (to me personally) but it didn't quite feel like the true sequel that Super Metroid deserved.

I'm Commander Shepard and these are my favorite breasts on the Citadel.

I'll never master this shooter, eh? Bring it on.

Management: Sure, we'll build you an elevator.

False. Dinozords were and always will be the best. Don't even try to argue, you are wrong.

I agree with you 100%. The problem arrives with other publishers who see CoD massive profits and attempt to emulate it or shoehorn its experiences into other games it doesn't belong, such as multi-player. That what I think most of us fear. It's certainly what I fear.

I don't get many CE's, but when I do, they go on bookshelf, on a desk or actually put to use. The CE of Fallout 3 (with the lunchbox and bobblehead) I actually use as a lunchbox for work and the bobblehead sits on my desk at the office, signifying how awesome I am.

I've been looking into this myself! I suppose the speed running community would have ideas, now that I think about it.

It seems these days if there's not open world and morality/choice of some sort, then the game is immediately dismissed as garbage. I suppose the exception to this is Modern Warfare

I'ma tell you something Joe Rogan you might not know about me.

This will be great for Fallout. RadAway is expensive!

The great previews from E3 were the only reason I bit the bullet and bought a Kinect. Glad I looked when I did, because I got a used, almost mint condition one from Amazon for $60!

I don't like the idea of one time use codes, but I also realize I can't always get something for nothing.

I knew there was a reason I'd never played RE:4 on GCN, PS2, PC or iOS. Because I somehow knew it would be released again one day in HD! Look at Capcom's re-release history, it was inevitable.