
Classic Sonic is absolutely adorable. I have no shame in admitting that.

Great wording!

If the other console manufacturers really do stick it out for 10 years, and Nintendo sticks to the 5-sh, then everyones next generation should all hit about the same time. This is their way to 'catch up' so they won't be completely left behind 4 years from now.

I read them, but I sure can't remember them.

I will be buying this game. SO HARD.

Would also finally show the trumpets and dance team members who's boss on the field.

I've been telling my Mac users here at the office that just because it has an Apple logo doesn't mean it's not a computer. It's still a machine, there's no such thing as magic.

Optional is good. I don't want to have to move into a larger apartment to play Mass Effect 3.

I was expecting the Space Pirates from the Metroid series. Sad.

I used to do emulation, but to me nothing can replicate the feeling like original hardware.

Well, makes the life of a thief easier.

You know what that reminds me of? The intro video for Twilight Princess. The end of that video when Link holds up the Master Sword in the Sacred Grove is priceless. Gives me chills every time. Of course it would be nothing without the killer musical score behind it.

Xbox Live Gold and Netflix (streaming plus 1 disc option for me). However, looking through the comments I really need to check out Amazon Prime. Never paid attention to it before but it sounds balls awesome.

Seinfeld reference. NICE.

'Not saying I would've done it, but I understand'

But before you die, you get the engineers to create a combustible lemon.

Looks like a vehicle from F-Zero.

Cador: You're fired. Someone get on the phone and find an even cheaper intern!

Sad. I just bought the first one cause it looked like fun. Haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

I know I can't be the only person who thinks of climbing paths when looking at buildings in the city since playing Assassin's Creed.