
Cool! Classic looks like a straight platformer, and Modern looks like there will be more platforming than previous 'Modern' games had. And isn't that what Sonic the Hedgehog is supposed to be, a platforming game?

Apparently Michael Vick past isn't that big of a deal to people, otherwise he wouldn't be primed to take the cover again.

I watched it. I enjoyed it.

I'm anxious to see the Super forms on both! Super Sonic on 2 & 3/Knuckles was great, a nice bonus. It lost its appeal (for me anyway) when it became a mandatory part of the story.

Technology, effectively destroying young kids imagination.

So essentially, they're looking for a salesman, game knowledge a minor plus.

Screw it. The teaser looks cool, and wins me over with nostalgia. I am excite. If I see another trailer that has platforming (not speed, the classic Sonic games we hold in such high regard were PLATFORMERS) then I will be more excite. I admit it, I'm a sucker for the 'Sonic cycle', whether it's been broken or not, and

Get more options with AT&T Premier and you'll have another customer WP7. Being stuck on the corporate account, my options aren't huge (aside from what model BlackBerry I want)

I own a 360, a PS3 and a Wii. I enjoy them all and none have failed on me.

Smartphone cameras are great, and will only get better. But never forget not everyone has a smartphone just yet.

Not entirely, Ishii worked on Final Fantasy II, making him a Final Fantasy developer. He and his company are working on the Ocarina of Time 3D.

The Minish Cap for GBA was developed by Capcom. Phenomenal game, recommended highly.

Remember, guys like us here on Kotaku are a small but vocal minority. We can complain about Nintendo all we want, but how many of us have Wii's and DS's? Nintendo already made their money off of us. And when their next console hits, it'll have a Mario, a Zelda, a Smash Bros and if we're lucky, a Star Fox and a Metroid

Or here's an idea, take what you know about the current hardware and make better games for it. What's stopping you from putting out new IP now?

I still rock disc-based/flash-based music technology. My iPod classic is much more reliable than ANY cell phones network.

At the age of 24, I brought my GameBoy Advance to the DMV while waiting to get my license renewed. I wasn't the only one. Just putting that out there.

Tig O Bitties!!

It looks like such a cool ROM, but I'll probably never know since there's no love for the Galaxy S line. It's a plenty popular device, is it just difficult to work for? Is there an official reason it's not supported?

Not a movie, but remember that episode of Firefly ( I believe it was 'Trash') where Kaylee had to reprogram the disposal drone? And it was still running Windows XP?

Giggity giggity.