
Which of these are launch titles? I need to know how much money to set aside! I haven't had a Nintendo handheld since the first GameBoy Advance but I'm gonna be all over this like gangbusters.

I give my life, not for honor, but for you!

Good news FTW. I bet she'll be adorable, and I'm sure the parents are happy as all outdoors.

Am I the only person getting sick of goddamn zombies being thrust into seemingly every game?!

@Kraken: Same here. Even when I've got some other ailment.

Compatibility. I can't recommend OpenOffice to someone in good consciousness knowing the files might not work 100% (or even 95%) in Office.

Oh noes!

Can they fix the sub-standard dialogue and come up with a better explanation of 'authorizing' power-ups if I send in my SD card?

Lots of comments point out that the development is a team effort and that Kojima shouldn't get a title card for himself. Let's remember that when the next Mario game comes out and we only give credit to Shiggy.

Or better, an episode of Seinfeld.

Today is the day I received my Nintendo Entertainment System in the mail. Obviously it was fate.

Taking one for the team, I respect that Totilo. Myself a negro, I commend your efforts.

I bet Bill Nye could answer.

I'm sad that Super Metroid was replaced, but I can totally respect the decision. Theif is big.

Greatest. Dance move. EVER.

As a trombonist I ended up marching in front of the drumline since 9th grade. By the time I was a sophomore in college, I definitely had experienced some hearing loss. Of course I never thought to get earplugs until college.

@Tom_Servo: Friday reference. I caught it.