
I respect that.

@Batousi: I fell into the same trap and thank God I snapped out of it. Now if they had some sort of redeemable value then it would be different. But only slightly different.

Them's fighting words, Steve. Realize that both of those guys have you square in their sights.

@Tsylord: True. With each update iTunes seems to get more and more cumbersome.

@redHouse: 'What's crazy is that the dude that looked the most like a bitch was gettin' all the women!'

I think lots of people still like specialized devices. 'This is my phone, I use it to make calls.' 'This is my iPod, I use it to play music.'

@valentine_nick: You'll love the Metroid series, it's my favorite series ever. I started with the first one for the NES (which was hard as balls) and haven't looked back. I shed tears of joy when Retro showed Samus in 3D for the first time.

The people at the Metroid Database are all probably looking for ways to thief this canvas from you. God knows I wish I could get this.

@ibro911: You must got a iron stomach dawg!

Hopefully we can find better deals on Amazon or NewEgg or something. I'd love to get one (or even two) but $65 dollars is a lot to add on top of an increasing gaming backlog and college debt.

Wait... I thought Zapp Brannigan piloted this ship into a black hole.

@Platypus Man: We use 'trombonist' for a reason. Tromboner got old for us right around grade 7.

Thank God I'm trombone section leader. This will definitely spice up the next halftime.

@Michael Beckman: I have the soundtracks and love them to death, but only have seen a couple of episodes. I am looking to fix that and finally get around to watching the entire series.

Now playing

I learned from Dave Chappelle that some things look worse in slow motion.

@WFROSE: Bingo. Since BioWare answers to EA now and not Microsoft, they're allowed to have their IP across multiple platforms. I'm happy that PS3 owners can finally get into the Mass Effect universe, but sad that they don't get the original installment.

We all know this game wanted to make us kill ourselves.

@Spanone: I agree 100%. I'd like to know what I missed so I can brush up on it.