
@jedigrover: Fact. In Houston, these don't help much. Some, but not much.

@MercerCh00x: Maybe, but check the scores of the games that were developed by Nintendo (the Mario's and Zelda's and whatnot). I'm sure that's what the article meant.

@MSUHitman: While I agree 100% it should be ported to the other consoles, I still think it'll sell like hotcakes on Wii.

You want to keep things fresh? Then make the characters play differently. Have Marcus and Dom be the 'all-around' guys, Cole could be a tank (not very fast but can take a ton of damage) Baird can specialize in sniping (Sorry about the brains!), Anya can be really fast but not very strong, things like that.

Love it. You know, I don't mind the kid's voice. The 'bark like a dog' line was weak though.

@Dr. Grammar: Nice! I totally remember that article, I think of that every time I see Kojima's name.

We all knew that man had superpowers. Glad he decided to finally show the public.

Can I do the Smooth Criminal anti-gravity lean? Will tiles light up beneath my feet as I walk? Will I get to turn into sand in front of an in-game Eddie Murphy? Dance off with a claymation rabbit?

Way to ruin what happens to Alderaan for me. Next thing I know, you'll be spouting off some crazy nonsense like Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.

Not to mention that he's got a gajillion dollars from Avatar.

@iamthejae: Beautiful. I would SO promote this if I could.

@Kaiser-Machead: "So, while they're towing us, you wanna do it?"

Game on!

My only complaint with the trailer is that Johnny Cage didn't do the shadow kick... did he?

And yet those games still sell like gangbusters at retail. Hmmm.

@knwldg: 'It is the developers that make the iphone shine.'

I've given up hope for Kingdom Hearts 3. Square needs to just go ahead and confirm this instead of hanging the gaming community on a string like this.

Finishing 3D Dot Game Heroes as fast as physically possible to I can get to Uncharted 2 with a clear conscience.

Good call on noting that Apple picked up some fairly large names from the gaming world. Logically, that would point to them making games internally