Have you called your local politicians, have you written a letter?
Have you called your local politicians, have you written a letter?
What color is he all the other days?
The other take-away from this article is that no one can confirm that $14m figure. The same website that reported that $14m figure puts Cavill’s total net worth at only $8m.
That figure is extremely implausible right out of the gate. The only way I think it would be possible is if it was some sort of contract payout…
From the source article (left out of the jezebel coverage for... reasons?!).
Yeah... I came in to this article with my snark set to 11 and... couldn’t muster a single criticism. Looks good.
This is shit you have to ruminate on.
Kessler said whites may need to create their own homeland, an ethnic state for people of European descent. Still, he added in the interview, “As far as being hateful towards other people, I’m not on board.”
What is amazing is how differently things appear to be unfolding this time around. We now have 3 or 4 major hardware competitors, with more surfacing every year, continually producing better and better iterations of their hardware supported by a drive in most gaming studios to produce something in this space. It’s…
And now you’re assuming that scratched glass screens do not exist because you’ve never experienced it yourself? Oh, the irony.
So what exactly are you trying to convey that requires mentioning those dock issues all the time?
A lot of very expensive and high-end screens use plastic, even now. I’m thinking about TVs and PC screens.
I never said “every device”... at any point. You are projecting those words on to my comments.
I’m using the case of the dock as a way of illustrating an fundamental issue with the materials used. Plastic can permanently scratch this screen. The dock issue, itself, is not even the point.
Is it that hard to stick your hand in the dock to verify if it might scratch your device?
Is “totally normal use” not the type of use that you would expect every unit to be put to?
I’m simply illustrating why your own personal experience tells you pretty much nothing about the very real experience(s) of everyone else. The people claiming the RROD issue must be the product of a rare defect or user error, because their 360's were just fine, were making an error of logic. So are you.
It’s easy to…
This is, more or less, exactly the sort of thing many people were saying about the RROD in the months following the launch of the 360.
The display on the Switch is objectively easy to scratch relative to almost any other mass market tablet. It’s a relatively soft surface. This is not a controversial thing for me to…
I have no emotional connection to the Switch at all.
I was simply pointing out one of the reasons why the Switch is more resistant to drop shattering. It has a relatively soft plastic display. The fact that this is illustrated well by the dock defect (however widely spread that defect is or is not) is exactly why I…
Are you upset because you felt like you had to buy one?
Opinion(s) noted. We can certainly agree that Nintendo is targeting a specific demographic with the Switch... although they aren’t the only demographic with valid opinions.
It’s important to point out that the joycons play a big role in the durability of the Switch. They protect critical shatter points (the corners)…