We probably had bigger liars than Hillary—but we don’t have data on their trust levels.
We probably had bigger liars than Hillary—but we don’t have data on their trust levels.
Substantive point.
Substantive point.
You mean she was caught leaking primary debate questions in two instances. There is no way to really be sure those were the only (and most egregious) instances of clearly unethical (if not illegal) behavior.
People often lose sight of the fact that we’re only really talking about the things they were caught red handed…
It was the person overwhelmingly favored (and provided favors) by the DNC. Clinton.
It doesn’t matter though, right?! No laws were explicitly broken (by the DNC, anyways...). No biggie. *shrug*
The emails aren’t the only source of info available on this topic... many of those are simply the culmination of actions taken months prior. The DNC, for example, directly assisted in funneling State Democratic Party funds in to the Clinton campaign. This was occurring in January of 2016.
It seems that you haven’t been paying very much attention.
I think their point is that she won by completely obvious and substantiated manipulations from within the DNC. The votes should only really matter if they aren’t the product of overt and nefarious manipulations.
You see this sort of thing all the time on smaller scale elections. I know of one instance in which one…
Oh, but it couldn’t possibly be Hillary’s fault for being the single most untrustworthy candidate to ever seek the office!
You make a couple different points here of varying validity and value. There is, quite obviously, no single person or group to blame for... well... just about anything remotely as complicated as the outcome of a primary or presidential election. Duh.
prac·ti·cal·lyˈpraktək(ə)lē/adverb 1.virtually; almost.
Yes... the same 3 trolls that always come out to rile folks like you up will most likely be commenting. Very prescient.
What does skin color have to do with the rational evaluation of an action (and the likely consequences of said action)?!
The consequence of this action is mild, short-lived, discomfort on the part of Ivanka (and her children) followed by a largely sympathetic media response that will serve primarily to help Trump. It…
I’m surprised more people aren’t upset about them being... well... sort of stereotypical lesbians. Baby steps, I suppose.
...but extended play with the laptop on your laptop can get quite heated.
I don’t think there has ever been an instance where anyone could really prove that Nintendo superficially cut supply for some reason... nor has anyone convincingly explained why they would want to do so (as far as I can tell). It may cause a bump in the buzz surrounding a product but if they don’t get the units…
New technology arrived that the industry wasn’t prepared for... it’s a familiar story to be found in every industry. In the case of the movie industry people just continued doing what they had always been doing in the past (sharing movies, music and games)... the problem seems to be the scale and ease (not,…
You don’t own a game or a movie the same way you own a bike. You are illustrating a fundamental misunderstanding around how intellectual property works. When you buy a movie or a game you are simply buying the right to use said game or movie in specific ways.
Most everything anyone does is supported by “justifications” (aka. reasons). There is nothing particularly special about theft in this regard.