Id look into turtle beach if youre on a budget. Theyre pretty cheap and work quite nicely. I had the X11s for over a year without problems and that was me abusing by moving twice. Just recently got the XP300 wireless headset and its really nice...i believe from either a deal here or amazon. Nothing wrong with my

Great choices, i love the tactics series. I must shamefully admit that Chrono Trigger is my biggest gaming sin. I have yet to beat it. :(

Whats your favorite game of all time? If thats too hard, then favorite of this generation?

I understand what youre saying, and im not denying that this is a nice feature. Im just saying in my experience of playing games for 20ish years i have never really ever had to wait longer than five minutes for a multiplayer game to find people and start. Unless it was some sort of server problem.

But seriously, a multiplayer match of anything shouldnt take 10-20 min to find a game...

I havent played for like 2 months sadly, but before then it was pretty busy. I can only imagine the community has gotten larger after the summer sale.

Its toughish to learn but once you understand the mechanics its great fun.

Great game though.

As a first time summer saler I was quite happy, though you know what they say ignorance is bliss.

100% agree that hes still in play, Mel is there after all. I just couldnt believe that GRRM did that. Though i shouldnt be surprised at this point.

Im curious to see how HBO is going to handle that situation as you said it is so vital to many storylines. Perhaps itll get brought up when (if) we meet Howland Reed?


Well if events in Dance are to be believed then it doesnt really matter who you are lol :P
What are your thoughts on the show vs. books? While i thin the show is brilliant i hate the fact that theyre really ignoring a lot of the lore of the world. Very important things that are talked about in the books arent even

Would that 3DS sale apply in store as well? Or is it for the online site only?

Im just hoping that Winds of Winter moves the story along a bit more than the last 2 books. I know that they were split but honestly not much has happened between feast and dance. I also really want to finally have an answer to who you are as well Jon Snow.

Ah thanks Kirk, i too was leaning towards the 3DS.

Exactly. I think its just a lot of people want him to be cause hes flippin awesome. Lol its pretty difficult discussing this since we're trying to avoid spoilers.

No...though i cant think of who it would be. Could be we havent even met the third head yet.

Or better yet KOTOR 3, either would do it for me.

Thinking of buying a 3DS or a Vita, but kinda undecided and uninformed about both. Which one is your personal choice? (Question for everyone)

How is Risen 2? I attempted to play the first on 360 before i got my pc and...suffice to say it wasnt a great experience.

Who knows, we still have a couple days left for valve to go all out.