Rex’s shitty personality traits somehow have to do with reality tv?
Rex’s shitty personality traits somehow have to do with reality tv?
Why put a video up with the color changed?? To give perspective as to what a colorblind person would see?
I agree with you that the Lakers just don’t get it. They don’t know how to move forward...but the Okafor argument is nuts to me.
Completely agree. Boogie gets praise for his numbers but numbers mean nothing when NOTHING works when you’re on the floor. He isn’t a rim protector and is constantly in bad position defensively. He throws temper tantrums.
If this were a male professor and a female student this wouldn’t even be a question Natasha. It’s sad and pathetic Jezebel has to even ask this.
What’s it like when no one “stars” your comment?
Montana and Walsh is basically what Brady and Belichek have superseded the past year so....
Deadspin sucks now Drew. I get it—you guys love witty one line responses. But it’s lame. I’m over it.
There is soo much douche in this pic it’s terrifying. I’m sick to my stomach.
I agree with you to an extent but the Bellichek argument is an insane one. I give the HC half the wins right there. If you judge a QB by wins and championships...then you have to take HC, owner and organization into account. If you want to go stats—and in my book thats how you have to judge ANY and ALL positions—THEN…
First off, use punctuation in your belligerent babble so that people can actually understand what you are trying to say. Luckily, I speak “incoherent” so I kept up with you there.
Who’s your team Mike Todd? You see like the average douche Seahawks fan.
Exactly. Playoffs loses don’t tell a real story.
Last night didn’t change how I think about Rodgers at all...he’s a beast. It just made be really believe that the Denver defense is the best in the far. Rodgers didn’t turn the ball over and even with pressure, he was poised and got it off.
Full agree. I think all 3 are amazing QBs with very different strengths.
I’m a Kobe die-hard.
Good analysis. Davis is a bum...I’ve always SLIGHTLY been annoyed with how strange his personality is too. That’s just me though. And still, Davis has had 2 good years, THAT’S IT.
I know they said that but it’s a bullshit answer. Later that quarter they had an unbalanced line again, and #70 was clearly heard as an “eligible receiver.” This was also on a 3rd down call...and usually the loudest.
it took me another read. But this is a fucking hidden gem of a comment.
Wait a second—so other than the insane Donald Trump “joke”...what are we angry or disagreeing with?