
Things I look forward to:

I’m surprised no one has bit at this sickly false worm of debate

That’s false. What Cal is doing is putting 4-6 McDonald’s AA guys together then making them practice against each other every day?

How dumb is this article?

Morrison gets unfairly criticized by casual sports fans.

I completely understand what you're saying. I only pull my belt tight for heavy heavy sets. Usually anything above 90% for me. Other than that, I keep that sucker baggy and waay loose.

This guy is like a Google employee having sex with Mark Madsen…this is what came out.

I was waaaiiiting for ya Leslie…patiently waiting for some T-Pain talk.

I'm a big fan of 5/3/1 starting out. I switch back to it when I'm in offseason mode or when I need to go higher reps.

There's a difference between some skinny kid wearing a Valeo velcro belt at the gym and a strongman wearing a Rehband back support belt….HUGE difference.

I use it to build core strength. Big movements like squat and deadlift really tax your central nervous system and core—especially when using big weight.

Hell yeah, that's why I went 10mm. 13mm is a bitch and you need to squat and DL in it for AWHILE to break that sucker in. I just use random old wrist wraps that I bought on LiftingLarge. Works. I also use SBD knee sleeves which are amazing.

The belt I use in regular gym sessions AND in competitions is a regular 10mm Elitefts belt I bought on sale for like $45. Great site there.

Squats and deadlifts….any other time is a waste in my opinion.

Exactly. When I see guys wearing VELCRO belts, my "you're an idiot and you don't know what you're doing" alarm goes off.

Agree with all of this. Most guys will read a Flex magazine and pick up the latest individual body part split. Worthless.

I USED TO BE a personal trainer. Have done bodybuilding competitions and now compete as a powerlifter.

A "very punchable face" USUALLY means he was just fuckin betttter than you. Won more games, scored more points, adored by more fans and won championships.

I'm going to say this one more time:

So he basically said "no comment."