Bushy Top
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George W. Bush may be the worst mush in the history of mushes. I mean, the guy fucking mushed our entire nation for fuck's sake.

@WhatWouldTebowDo?: Hahahahaha. These fools have to be drunk, right? TELL me they are drunk.

The only thing that would make this video better would be for 'The Boys Are Back in Town' to be playing as the pack shows up.

@ilovefavre: Hands down, the best part of Favre-Dong has been the angry emails, voice-mails, and commentators like this: It has been hilarious to watch the virtual head-explosions of dummies who worship at the feet of athletes like this.

@ilovefavre: I can't wait for this. PLEASE tell me that you will be featured in said youTube video. I'm dying to see what a mouth-breathing cretin you are, not to mention the content.

@ilovefavre: Hahahahahahaha. You write like a fucking moron.

@ilovefavre: Relax: Take a deep breath; try a little punctuation; stop hero-worshiping big dumb athletes; and everything will be fine.

@forest_thrills: Hahahahahahaha. Well played, friendo; well played indeed.

Easterbrook really thought he had some comic gold with that "makes TMZ look like the New Yorker" line.

@octothorp: Hahahahahahahahahaa! Best joke I've read on here in a while. Well played, friend.

Man, it never fails: always with the wrong use of "your" in these angry emails. But I suppose that makes sense when one is frothily tossing around the heavy pejoratives like they are in berserker mode. I particularly like this beauty:

Excellent run-down of the Media's reaction. That was delicious.

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Very solid song parody ("All Night Long" - you get the idea), mercifully sans dong pics. Enjoy.

Think of Baseball as the only half-way-decent group of women you and your buddies are talking to in an otherwise empty bar: They are chatty, not nearly as funny and "crazy" as they think they are, and not-TOO-bad looking. And just as they are nearing the end of a genuinely amusing anecdote involving a dildo at

No dong.

So THIS explains what he's been growing that beard for: an epic mugshot.