I broke both my arms in two years!
I broke both my arms in two years!
He will have to learn to walk again... Chris Mintz deserves a parade. My heart breaks for the nurse, can you imagine how helpless she felt trying to save people.
In Texas I’ve seen people load up their vans at gun shows. It is obscenely too easy to stock up on guns.
Its been taken down but every now and then a jerk will form a new one.
We went to a wedding that had 6 different food stations 2 of which were dessert. One was an Italian food station that had pasta it was awesome. I managed to not eat myself into a stupor and am sure it was insanely expensive.
It’s 18+ but we all know how well that worked for Facebook.
It looks like he asked her for money.
That’s exactly where my mind went to abusive exes, work place bullies, randos you turned down and customers who didn’t get their water temp adjusted quickly enough. My husband’s ex put him on the Herpes website when she found out we got married. It’s since been removed but I can see how this app would be right up her…
Mean people everywhere rejoicing the creation of a new way to hurt people’s feelings!
Then why keep bringing her up? Dang that’s cold.
I wonder if she dumped him and he couldn’t deal.
And this asshole might replace Boehner.
I met a lot of Catholics in high school and they told me similar stories. That is sad and really gross.
OMG My baby bro joked cut into my sister’s first dance and dance w her husband. It was hilarious and my sister loved it! I can’t imagine how awful it would be if it wasn’t! I’m so sorry.
Eh, her parents just hide their crazy betta.
I don’t want any kids but it is infuriating to hear about people hurting them or putting them in danger.
I am so sorry and angry that asshole got away with it.
It’s scary and the sad thing is knowing white people are also seeing the problem gives me hope that things will change.
Sandra Bland
My uncle was stabbed (survived) in a hate crime (American Indian and Gay) in the 70’s went to the hospital. The police took a statement and no charges were ever filed.