
I live in Texas and you would not believe the number of Mexican Americans that believe they are 100% European. Or can’t believe you can be black and be a member of a clan or tribe.

Your mom sounds awesome. I feel like WOC feminists are still plenty angry. Some of us feel excluded from the movement. Black women especially are rarely afforded the luxury of ANGER. Lest we be judged as feral and marginalized even more. Asian and Hispanic women get nauseating stereotypes projected onto them as the

Exactly, my mom loved staying at home but my sister hated it and got really depressed until she got to go back to work. She felt guilty but my mom said “The same things don’t make everyone happy and we have to stop judging other people for being different.”

Ugh a friend of mine went back to work and the stay at home moms are already judging her. She loves her job and needs it in order to raise her kids the way she wants. She graduated from college with 0 debt because her mom and dad worked and saved to pay for it. She very much wants to do the same for her sons and

This is disgusting trying to equate pregnancy from a rape and someone trying to make a pregnancy long after the relationship is over. I know some male victims go to their graves without telling anyone about their abuse. I don’t have to resort to false equivalencies to make a point.

My husband and I dated for 8 years before we got married. I was the chicken and he said he knew after the 1st year but waited for me to figure it out.

These people will do mental back flips and insist they are doing the right thing but everyone else is an immoral fornicator.

Thank you and seriously I ask why? all the time. But then my husband was boring and just asked me out all respectful and stuff.

I had a creeper yank my seat over to his and my then bf now husband punched him. He kept calling my guy a beta as his friends were dragging his sorry ass out of the bar. Alphas are sooo the worst.

I have freakishly low blood pressure. But I am part Native American and part of learning about my heritage was finding out in certain tribes it’s not that uncommon. Maybe you have some Native genes?

Ive been annoying my husband and singing it! He’s like “what are you watchin baby?”

The hubs and I took our nephew to visit his grandma. he was glued to the ipad and every time he asked how long it was until we landed my husband took out a small gift. we had about 12. they were cheapy cars but he was a happy kid. He also climbed all over us and sat upside down in the chair for part of the flight.

Well for example my husband and I live in a Texas city 2 blocks from a voting place yet the way our area is cut we have to drive almost across town to vote, my neighbors 2 doors down have to go to a completely different area. we have different council people and we are in the same neighborhood. Our car broke and we

Don’t forget he called San Antonio Cow Town because of all the fat women. He’s an asshole that people still like.

Republicans Gerrymander it to keep it that way.

My husband swears this was the sex ed talk at his high school in Texas.

“It kinda feels like holding a puppy., said my father-in-law( a cardiac surgeon). Now I’m sometimes creeped out while holding puppies.